Ron’s Corner – Be prepared to be heard

My neighbour knocked on my door at 2.30 am this morning. Can you believe that? 2.30 am ? Fortunately for him I was still up playing my drums!

 I was reading Acts 28:1-10 Pauls shipwreck and landing safely on the isle of Melita known as Malta today, a couple of thoughts came to me, I`ll share them and see what you think.
1. Prepare for the Storm before you get into it. In the Stormy summer months, you don’t go out any time and leave the windows open, in Matthew 7:15-29 Jesus talks about a wise man who builds his house on a rock, to prepare for Storms etc. In our spiritual lives it`s no different we need to prepare for life and all the ups and downs it brings. Have we built our spiritual lives on Jesus the Rock and on His Truth and Teaching  ?
Romans 9: 32-33  As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and Rock of offence and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.
 2. Never abandon God’s purpose, in chapter 27  Paul had warned them before the journey but they did not listen, we read that as the Storm got worse they had to throw overboard their cargo,  that was the purpose of the journey to deliver grain to Rome but the ship needed to be lightened if they didn’t they would have drowned, Paul reassured them God had said  they would all live and that they needed to eat not fast, they chose to listen to Paul, and  gave up their own plans.
3. Never let go the purpose of our Spiritual journey, God has called each one of us and  gifted  and blessed us. The purpose is to utilise and use our talents and gifts for His glory. That`s the Spiritual journey we all are on this is what will give us inner Joy. Let`s see we don’t abandon His plans and  purpose for our lives and go our own way.
4. Paul in Malta was a prisoner of Rome so when he was bitten by a snake, he was judged a criminal who was getting his just deserts but when he didn’t swell up and die, he was considered a god and was treated as one, did Paul want this no, but God through this  sign had shown and validated that Paul was  His voice.
 5. Acts 28: 8 is recorded an  incident in the three months Paul was on Malta the healing of Publius father, after that it said all the people on the island who had sicknesses came to Paul and he healed them through God’s power. Not only did he offer physical healing  but also spiritual healing as he preached the good news of Jesus Christ.You see Paul never abandoned his purpose to be a carrier of the good news. For the Christian there are no days off, our actions not just our words speak loud and clear of His Love!

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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23 Responses to Ron’s Corner – Be prepared to be heard

  1. Pingback: Ship Wrecked! ~ Acts 27 | Future.Flying.Saucers

  2. Freedomborn says:

    Hi Love it is indeed very good advice to keep our focus on Jesus Christ not ourselves, if we don’t we will fail, if we do as you have often Preached, He promises us we will suceed in what we do, that is of course if what we are doing is according to His will, but to be honest I don’t think beating on the drums at 2.30pm in the morning is what you are being called to do, also a very good point is… you don’t have drums … am I missing something here 😀

    Just a bit off Annie


    • We have a drummer in our church praise band and we call him “boom boom” and I must say he’s quite good. Can Ron be getting a new calling Anne? Warn the neighbors!


      • Freedomborn says:

        Hi Martha, even though Ron’s family is very gifted musically, Ron tried to learn the piano …painful…. sorry I must be honest, it was painful, of course he didn’t practice at two in the morning and it was not Boom Boom, but it was still painful. But Wow you should hear him sing, I have to ask forgiveness for converting, I’m tone death even the dogs think I’m in pain when I sing, just as well when God hears me it’s filtered. Ron has the most beautiful voice and has been in many Ministries over the years where he has been able to bless others because of this gift, I can listen to him for hours and still want to hear more. He sang a song to me once, just for me, I will never forget it, I felt so wanted and Loved.

        Sorry Martha, I did get carried away, in answer to your Question NO!!!! and please don’t encourage Ron or I will move into your Blog and take up drumming myself. 😀

        It’s a sure thing – Annie.


    • ron says:

      No it isnt Anne ,probably beating a hasty retreat would be more appropriate after playing drums ,but as you say allowing Jesus to control our lives ,allows us to keep on course with our lives.


  3. Caddo Veil says:

    Love the Word, and love the comments here! God bless y’all!!


  4. I agree there is no such thing as a “part time disciple”. We are no longer our own because we have been bought with a price – an exceptionally high price. (And the question begs ‘who would WANT to be a part-time disciple anyway? God’s way is perfect. Left to our own devices we would slide downhill very quickly!)

    Good blog, Ron. We need to be prepared for the storms of life, for Jesus Himself told us that in the world we WILL HAVE tribulation. Of course, He also guaranteed us victory over tribulation when we allow Him to take control.

    What an amazing God!


    • ron says:

      meetingin the clouds I agree with you absolutely , we are so vulnerable left to our devices arn`t we.? Thanks for your encouragement very much appreciated .


  5. Lady Deidre says:

    Great Post! Love the song!
    God Bless You!


    • ron says:

      Yes Lady Deidre many christian songs evoke great memories, this one no exception, well presented also. You are so giving in your comments ,thanks,


  6. Reblogged this on In Love With The Lord and commented:
    aMEN TO THIS AMAZING MESSAGE! 13I can do all things through Christ which strengthenethens me. Phil 4:13

    Liked by 1 person

    • ron says:

      Martha thanks for reblogging thats really encourageing, and as you say ,doing all things through Christ IS the only way !


      • It was a great post and I was so happy to reblog it. We can’t repeat that message often enough, can we? Bless you, Martha


        • Freedomborn says:

          Hi Matha sorry Ron is away till next week sometimes he answers from his own Lap top Computer but it’s a working bee for the Church and he won’t have time, he asked me to let people know he will reply when he gets home.

          But I agree with you Martha, if we Love The Lord with all our heart it will be shown in our words and actions to both God and others.

          Christian Love Anne.


        • ron says:

          Thank you Martha i love the encouragement you give and your positive sentiments, it just makes the day roll on so merrily. you do have a gift of encouragement, I know the Lord just loves to bless those like you who are hearers and doers of the word.
          Bless you


          • Thank you so much, Ron, for your kind words in this comment. Your timing in doing so is perfect just as His timing is perfect. I needed the words this morning. Phil 4:13 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.


  7. isaiah43123 says:

    I would have to rip those sticks out of your hands and begin beating on your skull! 😀 Seriously…we believers do not get days off, as you said, and no matter what our age, we still have His work to do.
    Keep the Faith!


    • ron says:

      Yes isaiah43123 ,if you did bounce the sticks of my noggin , i`m afraid the empty drum sound would still continue ! Yes as you say we will always have things to do, and I quess we wouldn`t want it any other way you would agree,


  8. I really wanted a “day off” today. A day to be grumpy and spoiled and self-centered but God’s grace, through your reminder, is not going to let me get away with it. 🙂


    • ron says:

      Unfortunately keziahcarrie. it seems to happen to us all at the most inconvenient times ,I find when i just want to vege out. a phone call ,or a niggle about getting to that paperwork , or message, and you dont have peace until you do it !
      Thanks for commenting appreciated


  9. Beautiful Post! I love the hymn. On Christ the solid rock I stand… All other ground is sinking sand. Very much true!


    • ron says:

      Very much true as you say teeceecounsel , how often have we been caught out on sand or shaky ground in our spiritual walk, I know I have ,of course, and then have to get right back on target qgain, thanks for encouragement


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