The Brightest Flame


Power Point – The Brightest Flame





If you don’t have a Power point viewer this link is for a free one that you can download then click and enjoy


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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20 Responses to The Brightest Flame

  1. Thank you for the link l enjoyed the post and the comments.Thank you for your insight.Blessing JMS


  2. Enjoy your break, Grannie Annie. The fathers eyes are watching over us and His hands are firmly guarding us.
    All of creation was made for our enjoyment.
    Remain glued to God’s will, He’ll keep revealing more of Himself and His grace.
    Keep enjoying your Grannie activities, I’m so glad you could still spare the time to drop some beautiful words.
    Stay away from the critters and have fun.
    Regards to Ron! 🙂


    • Thanks Son , we are enjoying our break, and had a lovely picnic today by the water and we we are going sight seeing tomorrow.

      Thank you for sharing God’s Truth He also created us to have fellowship with Him and each other….How good is that!

      Christian Love from both of us – Anne


  3. This is so beautiful, Grannie Annie! 🙂
    It resonates with me in every way.
    You mentioned five very important virtues, and like you rightly said, the greatest of these is love.
    I want to be Love in person! 🙂
    I enjoyed both the content and the concept of the slide. It further reminded me of a poem. I shared it on a post that I reblogged.
    You can click the link to the blogpost and see if anything will interest you:
    I was blessed by your slide. You can bet that I’ve always been a fan of Love! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing, Grannie! Have fun.
    Regards to Ron.


    • Hi Son yes I knew you would enjoy this Power point because you have a heart of Love, Truth is we were all created to Love 100% but our flesh gets in the way, this is why we must put it to death, first by comming to true heart repentance and then by walking in the Fruit of The Spirit with His empowering, this was the message and is confirmed in Scripture.

      Thank you Son, I will check out your Poem, till then take care and remember don’t believe everthing you hear and see – test the spirit for Love but not the Saccharine type that leaves a sour aftertast, God’s wisdom and His discernment will help you know the differance.

      Christian Love Always – Grannie Annie


      • “but not the Saccharine type that leaves a sour aftertast”. Your words are true and humourous, Grannie Annie! I always leave with a smile and some lessons after going through your words. Keep up the good work.


        • Hi Son, yes they are True words but perhaps not so humourous, many have been deceived by smooth talk and by those who encourage them to remain in error but True Love will correct not by suffering or hardship but in Love that is willing to risk even rejection to prevest others being deceived and so hurt.

          We are having a break and just relaxing for a week or more enjoying the Country around us, I Love God’s Creation but perhaps not little critters like flies, spiders, snakes etc will be back to full Bloging after our holidays but hope to visit a few Blogs each day.

          Take Care Son – Christian Love Always – Grannie Annie


  4. Reblogged this on livinginobscurity and commented:
    Anne from Freedomborn shared this with me. I like it better that the one I shared. Lord, Let your candle of Love burn bright in us today that we may be a true reflection of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you again Gayle, your words show a humble and teachable Spirit and like you I seek to remember as you wisley prayed that we need God’s Love to shine brightly in the Darkness without it we remain in darkness ourselves and the candles grow dim and fade out.

      Christian Love Always- Anne.


  5. Caddo Veil says:

    Oh, Anne isn’t this lovely–candles candles candles of connecting light! Thank you so much for today, my sweet sister!!


    • Freedomborn says:

      My little Sister your words are always so Loving and uplifting you light many Candles and your words are Loving because your heart is too, thank you for being you, a gift fronm God. Its so wonderful to have Sisters in the Lord, one good thing is they don’t borrow your clothes and not return them or tell tails about you… very good!

      Love Annie


  6. isaiah43123 says:

    So often we forget how connecting love is… Thanks for the reminder.

    Keep the Faith, my friend!


  7. dd16591569 says:

    Very nice Anne.. Thank you for sharing


  8. ron says:

    lovely powerpoint great illustration of 1Cor 13 thanks enjoyable


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thanks Love, this is indeed my favourite Scripture, I have also created a Power Point about God’s Love that shows His real Love for us not as it is at times wrongly claimed.

      Christian Love Anne


      • Watchman says:

        Beautiful beautiful beautiful! Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing


        • Freedomborn says:

          Thank you Watchman, for your kind words, Wow, how many times have I thanked you for them, I have lost count, you do indeed have the gift of encouragement.

          I’m pleased you liked the Power point, I felt it went in well with your message. I had received a Power point before that was similar but was not complete, it focused on Hope but God’s Hope comes from His Love as do all good things … Nothing is greater then Love… God is Love.

          Christian Love Anne.


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