Friends of Ebenezer

 Below is a short message from Ebenezer a wonderful Ministry giving Hope and a future to God’s unwanted Children .

Australian Friends of mine Lenore and her husband Dr Richard Burton after being called by the Lord in 2005 to be friends of Ebenezer have worked sacrificially without material reward although with lots of heart rewards to raise funds for this Orphanage, they do many things to raise the money needed  and it is been through the support of them and other caring people that over 405 Orphaned Children are being lovingly provided for and have a protective and Loving home as well as Parents and Grandparents being helped to be able to care for and keep their children with them .

 New Flowers Blooming – Baby Boom in Baby Home

 You can never tell what a day or week may bring forth in Ebenezer and of all the surprises and challenges we’ve had, last week topped the list……….………!!!

Last Thursday seemed a very normal day and we were trying to get through the challenges for the day when there was a frantic call from the Social Welfare Dept. early afternoon. A mother had given birth in a small clinic in Sinkobo about 22 km from Livingstone at 1.00 a.m. and had died an hour later.

 The father and his relatives were poor Villagers and could not dream of raising the baby on Formula Milk, they didn’t have money even for the first tin of milk and so the clinic got in touch with the Welfare Department and asked if the baby could be looked after by an Orphanage and after a positive answer by us, the hungry little one was brought in.

 I named her Blessing and she spent her first night on earth in Ebenezer!!! In Africa it is considered unfortunate to lose a Parent and perhaps that may explain why Orphans are being mistreated so much. Orphan children are very often verbally abused by relatives for this very reason and we have so many hurt and miserable children in our school on account of this.

 Blessing weighed 2,960 kg at birth and her mother perhaps needed a qualified doctor to attend to her rather than a village midwife.  Out of a 10,000 births Zambia loses at least 700 mothers, and that is a lot of maternal deaths and lot of babies who are very vulnerable!!! Thank God for your support for this very precious work that helps little angels like Blessing to have hope and a future!


The link below will give you more information about  Ebenezer.


About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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11 Responses to Friends of Ebenezer

  1. Pingback: When a Child Cares….. | Freedomborn … Aussie Christian Focus

  2. Pingback: Ebenezer Update | Freedomborn…set free

  3. Pingback: Ebenezer | Freedomborn … set free

  4. Pingback: Thank You My Blogging Friends for Comments not easily forgotten. « Freedomborn

  5. they didn’t have money even for the first tin of milk and so the clinic got in touch with the Welfare Department and asked if the baby could be looked after by an Orphanage and after a positive answer by us, the hungry little one was brought in.

    I named her Blessing and she spent her first night on earth in Ebenezer!!!

    What a story! What a blessing for you to be supporting such valuable, sacrificial work for the Lord. This is EXACTLY what I was talking about. I pray that God will continue to knock down walls that get in their way so they can continue to do this valuable, needed work.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thank you Steven, Yes the work they do is really wonderful, over the years they have had a lot of Children who have had Aids but in the 10 years that the Home has been open not one has died, how wonderful is our God.

      Thank you for all you do for Children in need Steven and I’m sure you also will be blessed in this.

      Christian Love Anne.


  6. Ron says:

    Thanks Anne for highlighting the ministry of Ebenezer, they do a wonderful work amongst the marginalised need our every support.


  7. Blessings! Praying for this ministry and posting them on my prayer list every Sunday.


    • Freedomborn says:

      Hi Jeanne, thank you for your faithfulness, I saw your name on someone else’s Blog and saved your Blog’s details, I will have a walk there soon, thank you for taking the time to encourage this Ministry I will tell my friends that you will be praying for the Children and Ranji and the others that care for them.

      Christian Love Anne


  8. Precious little one. Thank you Annie for calling attention to this. They will be going on my prayer list.


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