Good News My Blogging Friends I’m Fixed!

With being a new Kid on the Block, I mean Blog, how can I ever thank you my Dear Blogging Friends, not once have you put me down for my bad Spelling, Grammar or Punctuation but how amazing is that with most of you being Professional writers or at least you have the much sought after Versatile Blogger Award and some amazingly even have the very coveted Pot Pied Possum’s Hammock and of course the Comment Posters Awards…
Yes no doubt you know I’m Dyslexic but how kind of you to continue to overlook all my mistakes without criticising or censure of any type… But Now for the Good news…  To reward you for your long-suffering, patience and understanding …
Wait for It!  …..
I have a New Spell Checker! see below …Yes it’s hard to believe I know but Wow is it good! … if any of you would like to borrow it just post me and it’s yours, no cost … I’m fixed!

About Freedomborn

My name is Anne although some call me Grannie Annie especially Children whom I share with in my Funday School . I live in Queensland Australia. I’m very much a People person believing we are all People of worth and unique, so I have much Joy in sharing with people personally and over the Internet. My main focus in life is my wonderful Friendship with Jesus Christ, without Him everything else would be meaningless, I have deep heartfelt thanks and appreciation that I'm a Spiritual Child of The King of Kings and I seek to share with others how truly wonderful that is with the hope they too will realize the same and be set free now.
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15 Responses to Good News My Blogging Friends I’m Fixed!

  1. LubbyGirl says:

    That is the best laugh I’ve had ALL DAY!!! I would LOVE to use this too!!!


    • Freedomborn says:

      Don’t laugh LubbyGirl it is all True just read a few of my comments, anyway I will send this help to you in the near future, saving pictures from Blogs can present problems as I’m now learning and with my Computer problems at the moment I’m not going to risk it again, I’m still using a borrowed one but hope to be able to be able to Post and comment on my own Computer soon.

      The Post of mine we were talking about, is called… A Picture Says A Thousand Words – Posted on March 26, 2012 by me, sorry I couldn’t get the direct link.

      Christian Love Anne


  2. Pingback: Thank You My Blogging Friends for Comments not easily forgotten. « Freedomborn

  3. lambskinny says:

    Love it! I’m a speech pathologist and dyslexia — just in case you think I think this — is NOT a sin! In Jesus’ glorious kindness, Carley


    • Freedomborn says:

      Thanks lambskinny I also have no doubt that being Dyslectic is not a sin or having any type of disability including Mental illness, what is a sin is the Stigma that people hold towards those who have them.

      Although being Dyslectic has disadvantages it also has blessings as you know that few realise, it took me many years to understand this and I think this is why God had to show me in a amazing way and it did indeed open my eyes that it was True, I was so sure I was stupid and also being the dummy at school no one wanted to be my friend so I was very lonely and this was hard because I’m very much a people person , part of my struggle is on the link below, I still have to finish posting the rest of my Blessed Life and hope to soon.

      Thanks again for your sharing – Christian Love Anne

      Blog Post –


  4. April says:

    Isn’t spell check wonderful! However, it is not always reliable. But, I haven’t really noticed wrong spelling on your post….for me it is the content and it has been great!


  5. Annie, you do make me laugh! 🙂 Thanks for the chuckle this morning.


  6. Ron says:

    I hadn`t noticed, that poem looked normal to me . Phonetic spelling should always be. Very clever ,enjoyed it . Good 4 u Anne.


  7. Wayne Augden says:

    Absolutely love it. 🙂


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